Many people are asking me what my view on the vaccine is. I was initially keeping my view private. However, people are concerned and rightfully so. With that being said, I have concerns with many of the ingredients in the vaccine and the fact that there is no emphasis on improving the immune system which is what we have the most control of if we apply health and fitness to ourselves and our loved ones.
Some of the ingredients include but are not limited to, Polysorbate 80, Hexane, Methoxypolyethylene, and dimyristoyl to name a few. If you are interested in learning and knowing what these are. Please go to the Blog tab in heretohealthu.com First the vaccine is an ongoing experiment. No vaccine is 100% effective per the Immune Advisory Centere. Clinical trials can take 6 to 7 years on average but can be 10 plus years in testing and observation of adverse events and effectiveness. Pfizer admits that the vaccine may cause risk of birth defects. No medical authority, not Dr. Faucci. not dr. Birx, not Dr. Wen, no one is stressing that we need to boost our immune system to withstand the novel COVID-19 virus. Most people who contract COVID-19 tend to be low in vitamin D, vitamin C, and Magnesium. Now that we got that out of the way, Per Dr. Carrie Madej this vaccine experiment does not follow the past norms of isolation of the virus. Instead, a “code” mRNA was developed that does not have any of the pathogen but instead synthetic messenger (m in mRNA) to trick the body into thinking the virus is present and then attack it. This has never been done on the human population. This is largely why they say the vaccine is NOT a 100% barrier against the COVID-19 virus. So, this constitutes GENETIC MODIFICATION. We have not had the time to observe if the mRNA technology will not be permanent modification. However, how can anyone know this since we have not been able to study long term adverse effects/events in humans, simply because time has not elapsed to 3, 5,10,15 , years of data? There are Per Dr. Carrie Madej parts of chromosome 8 in the mRNA, which is tricking the body into thinking COVID -19 is invading us and therefore attacks it. Well, we naturally have chromosome 8 in our bodies. It is connected to intelligence and fertility. Moreover, the mRNA has 18 sub-units of H.I.V. 1 within the code. It is said that this small sub- unit will not allow the body to develop H.I.V AIDS, but Australia saw an uptick in they say, false positives for people who had the vaccine testing positive for H.I.V. AIDS. Now, maybe that’s true, maybe it won’t cause people to develop H.I.V but how do we know now? The vaccine has not even been out 1 year yet. The American Academy f Allergy Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI) states: Currently, there is only limited awareness of the role of PEGs in reactions to medications where they are present as an ingredient. The degree to which PEG hypersensitivity might be a problem in the United States and the mechanism for PEG and polysorbate reactions are therefore not well understood. (The American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology. 2018). The J&J COVID -19 vaccine contains-Polysorbate 80 (Hackensack Meridian Health) has also been causally linked with an increased risk of blood clots, stroke, heart attack, heart failure, and of tumor growth or recurrence in patients with certain types of cancer, Ethanol-an alcohol compound used as a solvent to synthesis gasoline. · The FDA is asking states to temporarily halt using J&J’s Covid-19 vaccine after six people in the U.S. developed a rare blood-clotting disorder. · The FDA said the recommendation is “out of an abundance of caution.” · The cases occurred in women ages 18 to 48, with symptoms developing six to 13 days after they received the shot. This per CNBC published and dated 4-13-21-please take note of the date. Pfizer’s vaccine contains-Hexane which is a flammable material, made from crude oil an irritant a health and environmental hazard (pubchem,ncbi.nlm.nih.gov). Moderna’s vaccine for COVID -19 contains methoxypolyethylene glycol-2000-ethylene is an ingredient found in vehicle anti-freeze. Can cause diarrhea, vomiting, runny nose, congestion, headache can cause seizures and neurological symptoms such as vertigo and can cause spasms. Tromethamine which can cause-Ventilatory depression, respiratory depression (Drugs.com 4/5/21). Contains dimyristoyl-rac-glycero3 c (Hackensack Meridian Health) is a lipid stabilizer (which is why it is transported at freezing temperatures) but Harvard.edu finds no data available for, possibility of hazardous reactions, skin corrosiveness, or respiratory or skin sensitization.